Solar Power All of our permanent camps rely mostly on solar systems for electricity, both in the tents and the main areas. This necessarily means we can’t use non-eco-friendly appliances such as air-conditioning units, washing… Read More
Partly it has to do with silence. At night, you can feel a lion’s roar resonate in your chest cavity because the air is not clogged with distractive sound. Its clarity lets you see straight to the sparkling heavens. It is also to do with distance from the rest of the world – not just a physical distance, but a deliberate distance in the way we decide to live. It’s about choosing to disconnect, in favour of what these spaces have to offer you if you allow them. There is also an indescribable purity to being immersed in a wholly natural setting. Clean air, unspoilt and untamed, and animals that are truly wild: it’s an unconditional environment that we are lucky to touch, and yet is untainted by our fingerprints. If you immerse yourself in it, osmosis begins to take effect, and the quietude and the beauty quietly infuse your being. In the company of our guides, you are among people innate to the place, who can unveil this way of life to you. They are attuned to its essence and can translate it by showing you to see through their eyes.
Serian 'The Original'
This is our flagship 'Original' authentic bush camp, which perfectly captures the essence of its name.Ngare Serian
Hugging the banks of the Mara River, Ngare Serian is perfect if you’re after that ultimate elusive luxury: seclusion.
Wild Yet Responsible Compost
Composting All of our organic waste from our Kenyan camps goes into a compost pit, which in turn nurtures our 100% organic veggie patch, supplemented by cow manure from local Masai bomas. What we can’t… Read More

MNC – low density & exclusive
Mara North Conservancy has a conservation area of 30,000 Ha which accommodates the twelve member camps in a sustainable way that benefits the environment, the wildlife, and the community. The Mara North Conservancy has one… Read More