Step 1: Look incredibly cute.
Step 2: Build up your strength, so that you can join mama on a hunt!
Step 3: Wake up mama “Mam, mam come on mam we gotta go!”
Step 4: Find your prey and get into pouncing position, “Try not to make a sound.”
Step 5: Once your prey is distracted, “POUNCE”! Chase after your quarry until it’s worn out, remember Cheetah can run up to speeds of 114kph.
Step 6: Let Junior have a go at the chase, allowing him to hone his skills.
Step 7: Flex your new skills in front of Serian ‘The Original’s’ guest and famous wildlife photographer Pie Aerts, so they know you mean business.
Step 8: Mission successful!
Thanks to Jana Arnhold for the images.
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