Tag Archives Elephant

Soul Drifter (Video)

It has to do with distance from the rest of the world – not just a physical distance, but a deliberate distance in the way we decide to live. Partly it has to do with… Read More

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Angela Bohlke: 2016 CWPA Winner

Magical. The best word to describe my safari experience with Alex Walker’s camps. My pre-dawn anticipation of the beauty and excitement the day would bring was continually fueled by the dramatic sunrises, multitude of animals… Read More

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Rescuing ‘Pili’ the Elephant

6.53 AM, Saturday morning, I’m settling into a strong coffee, the morning send off completed, the dawn chorus dissipating as the birds head off to feed. Sammy, one of our Serian mess attendants rushes in with… Read More

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On Safari – Alex Walker’s Serian (a short film)

Get your Fix – revel in Eliza’s latest creation. Join us on safari; relish the peaceful sensuality, savour the wilderness, Serengeti. Plug in and turn the volume up loud… “On Safari” with Alex Walker’s Serian…. Read More

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Land of Giants

Elephants are among the most intelligent of the creatures with whom we share the planet, with complex consciousnesses that are capable of strong emotions. Across Africa they have inspired respect from the people that share… Read More

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The Essence of Nature – Pyramids of Life

Tightening of shoelaces, the smell of fresh unwritten paper, doodling to check the pen works, that fast walk that isn’t a run yet. Chefs, mess attendants, guides, drivers all gather round to read the schedule… Read More

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Pusinkariak – our private conservation area

Ngare Serian and our Tree House are set in 1,500 acres of private, exclusive conservation area, bordering the Mara North Conservancy. This crucial zone is a dispersal area between the Mara River and the Siria… Read More

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safaris@serian.com | www.serian.com
Photo Credits: Rachel Ambrose, Gerard Ambrose, Andrew Brown, Eliza Deacon, Peter Haygarth, John Moller, Paul Sheen, Angus O'Shea, Roisin Perret, Anup Shah, Manoj Shah & Alex Walker.
Copy by: Robyn-Lee Ghaui
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