Tag Archives Mara North Conservancy

The Magic Fishes of the Mara

One thing that always amazes me about Serian is that Nature always has another surprise up her sleeve! My recent stay coincided with the arrival of the Short Rains.  Each afternoon we watched as the… Read More

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A silk tree – Trai Anfield

This week I’ve been taking my guests here at Serian to see a tree. You’d might not think that would be top of the excitement list when the Big Five are around, but this leather… Read More

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Martial Eagle vs Stork – A post by Jana

Cameras prepped and hefted onto the vehicle, photographers and guides all “Tea’d up and Wee’d up”, we head out on an afternoon drive. With large, dark clouds begin building on the horizon, William our guide… Read More

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Eyes in the bush

Listen to the birds – and they will often tell you exactly what you want to know. Is there a leopard loose? A jackal lurking? A lioness on the hunt? That’s just one of the… Read More

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Just Breathe – A Yoga itinerary with Elise Joan

Serian – The Original camp will be our home for 7 days & 6 nights. Serian means “peaceful, calm, serene” in the Masai language. It was designed to be a retreat from the bustle of… Read More

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Just Breathe

Immerse yourself in a journey tied to unique African wildlife, nature, farm-fresh food and the peaceful sounds of the Mara River. Take this opportunity to disconnect. So many destinations now offer WiFi access, but you’re… Read More

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Mary McGowan: 2018 CWPA Winner

Congratulations to Mary McGowan who is the winner of a one week safari with us and the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards for her incredibly amusing image entitled “Caught in the act”, see the image below…. Read More

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Photo Credits: Rachel Ambrose, Gerard Ambrose, Andrew Brown, Eliza Deacon, Peter Haygarth, John Moller, Paul Sheen, Angus O'Shea, Roisin Perret, Anup Shah, Manoj Shah & Alex Walker.
Copy by: Robyn-Lee Ghaui
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